I know rite. I've said this soooo many timessss. im sorryyyy I haven't bought as many makeup as I used to. But no worries i'm gonna post some good ones for you =) I tried to collect all my stuff and do a big haul. But that just won't work. Girls love details rite:)
Just giving you a quick update of myself. I just permed my hair at Sui Salon. I was afraid of small curls, so I asked the hairdresser, Harry to make mine big waves. It turned out to be a very decent wave, some of you would think I didn't even perm my hair. I hate it of course coz I don't want to pay $300 for a barely-there wave (slight wave at the front, straight at the back). So I complained, and he agreed to redo it. He warned me this time it will be really really curly, but i said I don't mind. I don't even dare to say 'please make it natural' anymore. So the second time turned really well. My hair looks gorgeousssss now =)

Long time ago (lol) Priceline was having a HUGE sale on Covergirl Lashblast. FYI beauty products are extremely exp in Australia. So when I say huge sale, it must be huge. Know how big it is? They are all less $10. oh my god. Me and my sister (who happened to be visiting me at that time) picked up almost 10 Lash Blasts. Not just for ourselves, but for our friends as well. We are a big fan of Lash Blast, and yet it had just launched the new Lash Blast Length. So we were so excited to try that one on.
Also the other day I went to Priceline again and this time Maybelline was having a 3 for 2 sale. I needed to get Maybelline age rewind concealer for my friend so I decided to pick up 2 other things for myself, which happened to be mascaras. So far I have only tried one mascara from Maybelline, Maybelline Great Lash, which turns out to be extremely disappointing =( a big absolute zero for me. Cheap packaging, weird smell, and unworkable applicator that sting my eyes. yuck. The claim that it's a no.1 mascara is definitely a BIG FAT LIE. I can't understand why it even surpasses Covergirl Lashblast.
I decided to give it another shot. I took me like an hour just to decide which ones that I want to get. Then when I saw that glossy red packaging, I got sucked in almost immediately. Maybelline Lash Stiletto. I also heard a lot of good reviews about the original one, that it lengthens the lashes like nothing else, but I was more interested in trying the new voluptuous one. Because? I need more lashes to lengthen. You know what I mean. lol.
After a long search for the second one, I decided to pick the Colossal Volume Express up, also because of the hype it generates.
So let me tell you what I think about those three.
1. Maybelline Lash Stiletto
2. Maybelline Colossal Volume Express
3. Covergirl Lash Blast Length
More posts to follow!
Cha xx
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